Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Apple - MacBook Air

APPLE introduced there latest innovation. The MACBOOK AIR "the world thinnest notebook" starting at $1,799, there’s a full-size notebook encased in the 0.16 to 0.76 inch of sleek, sturdy anodized aluminum. And at just 3.0 pounds, The 1280-by-800 resolution gives you vibrant images and rich colors at full brightness the moment you open MacBook Air.
The keyboard is full-size with crisp keys just like the ones on MacBook. But MacBook Air goes further by adding backlit key illumination, making it easy to work in low-light settings such as airplanes and conference halls. A built-in ambient light sensor automatically adjusts keyboard and display brightness for optimal visibility. And with the oversize multi-touch trackpad, it just keeps getting better for fingers.
MacBook Air is designed and engineered to take full advantage of the wireless world. A world in which 802.11n Wi-Fi is now so fast and so available, people are truly living untethered — buying and renting movies online, downloading software, and sharing and storing files on the web.
source from
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Happy Birthday!
( taken last jan 26 @ there house using his papa's cellphone lol )
It was my niece who also my god daugther's 5th birthday last january 26, we didn't have a party that usually happened every birthday but today we had a small handa for her :) tho she already had a small handa last friday at there house. It was fun seeing my nieces and nephew jumping around, making noises haha. I took some photo's and even my friend lea was happy when she saw my niece ella thru webcam and talking to her. Buong araw ata ako naghihikbi kasi I didn't get much sleep last night hehe, my sister and I were playing audition till 12 midnight :P while I was downloading albums of songs then I had to wake up early today heehee. Anyway I'll blog hop tomorrow :) good night everyone!
I will leave you with this lol my nephew wearing a girl's dress T__T but it's cute lol ( may potential ang batang ito lagot na hihihi )
the other side of little macky haha
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I got tagged by ate ruby
1. You do not have to be tagged to play along. This game is simple and so are the rules. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*
2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.
3. Tag or don’t tag, your choice, however, the more tags you create the bigger the list will grow.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and URL by leaving me a comment HERE.I will add you to the master list. (If you would like the scroll box code, leave me your email address and I will email it to you.)
5. Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in.
1- Attitude, the Ultimate Power 2- Juliana's Site 3- Rusin Roundup 4- Grow Rich Along With Me 5- Comedy Plus6- lynda's loft 7- Amel's Realm 8- Max9- Speedcat Hollydale 10- Mariuca 11- Complain Complain Complain 12- Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 13- Life Is A Roller Coaster 14- Sugar Queen's Dream 15- First Time Dad 16- Life 17- My Life 18- The Painted Veil19- My Thoughts 20- 21- little Aussie Cynic 22- A Nice Place in the Sun 23- 24- The Callalilly Space 25- Ratings of a Woman 26- My Life My World 27- Mommy's Gibble Gabbles 28-Sweet Paradise 29- Pinaymama's Diary 30- Mother's JournalA 31- Asawa's Love Nest 32- Field of Dreams 33- JK 34- Pinay Mommy Online 35- ARTSKIE
*End Copy Here*
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
love is a double-edge
You only realize that you truly loved someone if they have already caused you enormous pain. Your enemies can never hurt you the way your loved ones can. It's the people close to your heart that can give it the most piercing wound. Love is a double-edge sword—it can heal the wound faster or sink the blade even deeper.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Book review : Harry Potter and Goblet of fire - PART 2
The scenes of the three tasks in the Triwizard Tournament are intensely rich in special effects making each look as real as they’re supposed to be. The entire production is more tangible and is more successful in making the viewers feel like they’re at Hogwarts than the first two movies. It is so magnanimous yet the movie is still effective in focusing more on Harry and the rest of the cast as they come of age and evolve. It is a well-balanced movie where the larger-than-life production sets and the story of a fourteen-year-old orphan coming of age complement each other.
The movie like the book gives us insights on things we can relate to in life. It shows us the importance of international cooperation because of the diversity of races and cultures within our surroundings. Another strong message that the movie imparts can be quoted from the words of Albus Dumbledore. He said, “Dark and difficult times lie ahead… Soon we must all face the choice between what is right… and what is easy.” Dark and difficult time may lie ahead for us and we should all make a choice. It is not always easy when we choose to do what is right but I believe we can always find solace in doing it. There is more to the movie than special effects and large production sets. It gives us something important to think over.
“Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire” is a collage of many stories, actors, feelings, sets, special effects and lessons—many different things that form one beautiful picture. It has a very wonderful story that is played by actors in utmost perfection in very grand production set with illustrious special effects coupled by a lesson or two. Tell me, what is more magical than that?
So how was that ha?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Even I as a beginner this kind of sites really helps me to earn and learn more about the things can we can actually do while were online. So why not give it a try?
So yeah come and join us :) and let's keep this community grow.
Book review : Harry Potter and Goblet of fire - PART 1
“Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire” has the intensity and emotion of the book it’s based from. In its totality, it has all the ingredients of a good fantasy adventure motion picture—a very gratifying story, raw and fresh main actors, a veteran stellar support cast, fantastic special effects and even a bunch of life’s lessons for its viewers. It’s very funny and wondrous. It casts us in a spell both true and imaginary. It weaves reality with a flick of a wand—a truly magical feeling.
The story shows us in effect three fourteen year old kids struggling through puberty—first love, adventure, danger and even death which is the central theme of the entire book series. There are a number of inconsistencies and differences with the film and the book. Though it is so, it didn’t murder the book at all. It made the film very concise and enjoyable unlike the first two movies which seem longer than they really are. It didn’t stray from the original plot. Instead, it highlighted the more important scenes like the Triwizard Tournament wherein three chosen champions from three schools of magic will compete in three amazing and impossible tasks, the accompanying Yule Ball, and the very satisfying climax everyone I am sure is waiting to see. Aside from the extreme intensity, the movie also offers emotional prowess. It has many cute and funny scenes which balances the very dramatic climax. All in all, it’s a very enjoyable movie that offers great all-around entertainment.
Since the beginning of the Warner Bros. deal, J.K. Rowling made it clear that she wanted only British actors to play her beloved characters. Many where skeptical about this idea but the movies that followed proved the skeptics wrong. The movies created new stars. “Goblet of Fire” established the three new stars status in Hollywood further. Daniel Radcliffe IS Harry Potter. I can’t imagine any other actor to fit the role more than him. Emma Watson and Rupert Grint who play the roles of Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley respectively are not that bad either. They have proved their worth in the roles that they play. I especially love the love-hate angle between their characters. The support cast is awesome. Alan Rickman is such a good actor especially when he portrays villain roles. In the “Goblet of Fire” though, Rickman seems to drive far from his character Severus Snape’s nature. Director Mike Newell added a scene where Snape knocks the heads of Harry and Ron with books when they were caught talking to each other. This is very British Boarding School but it is very un-Snape-like. Snape uses words and detention and not anything physical to provoke and torment Harry. Like Rickman, Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane and various others reprise their roles for the movie. Sir Michael Gambon who replaced Sir Richard Harris as Professor Albus Dumbledore proves to be very adept in his role as Hogwarts Headmaster and Harry’s mentor. Ralph Fiennes is one of the additional actors in the set. He plays the very important and much-disliked Lord Voldemort, the arch nemesis of Harry Potter. He is so unrecognizable on screen. The slithering sight of him made me cringe at my seat and gave me a feeling that he is Lord Voldemort, merciless and snake-like in every way. The whole cast should be all praised for their effortless acting on screen.
I'll post the part 2 tomorrow.. I'm having a bad headache hehe
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Disclosure Policy
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
get paid to blog
The easiest way to earn is by blogging. Many people nowadays have blogs, some of them just want to blog about there life, what's happening, hobbies or posting some photo's or videos. But the top line of it why they blog is to earn moolah. Websites that offer this service seeks bloggers to blog about their advertiser’s product, service, business or website and they pay bloggers to do it.
What you will need:
1. BLOG ( There are some websites that offer free blog like, wordpress, livejournal, blogchex )
2. PAYPAL ( This is important for you to be able to receive the payments because most of the website required paypal account. Join it's free )
There are several websites that offers you to pay to blog.
- - It is free to register your blog and add your blog to the system for approval. Once approved, your blog goes into the assignment queue. The blogsvertise administrator then assigns writing tasks for what our advertisers want you to mention in your blog. You dont have to endorse the website product/service, just mention it in your blog and link to the advertiser website 3 times in your entry. The current payout rate for new accounts is $4 - $25 per entry. Most will fall into the $5-15 range.
- - Get paid for blogging. Write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers. Disclosure required.
- - Bloggerwave is a very different paid blogging program. Bloggerwave is almost like a PayPerPost clone, in the fact that they have a marketplace system where bloggers select the advertisers directly, unlike many of the other paid blogging companies.
- - With SponsoredReviews, you set your own price. Depending on the size of your readership and the quality of your blog posts, you can earn anywhere from $10 to $1000 per review. If you are a major site, you might be able to get even more.
- - CREAMaid is a service that lets you meet other bloggers with similar interests, and make money while doing it. Anyone can start using CREAMaid by inserting a CREAMaid Conversation widget inside her post. When your post is selected, you will be able to instantly collect a royalty for your contribution (usually about $5)
- - Your rate of pay to blog for this company is based on your Google's PageRank (from $5 to $16 per post)
- - Migrate your existing blog or start a new one . Refer a friend and get 5% of what the friends blog site makes. Promote your blog and get paid.